
A quick glance at the news or at social media confirms that common sense is no longer common. And to make matters worse, anything Christians say about the current state of affairs seems to offend someone, somewhere, somehow. In such a hyper-sensitive atmosphere, conversations can quickly become debates. Sharing your[...]


After last week’s annual meeting in Dallas, it appears we have a paradigm shift in the Southern Baptist Convention. We’ve become culturally sensitive and biblically aware, when we need to be biblically sensitive and culturally aware. Here’s what I mean. If we feel a need to pass resolutions about things[...]


Various SBC leaders have recently issued strong public statements denouncing things like the abuse of women and the moral failure of Christian leaders. I’m not taking issue with their stance on any of their chosen topics. What has me scratching my head is the disconnect that some of our denominational[...]


If you ever wonder how your financial support of BKM makes a difference, then I hope this story from Uganda will encourage you. Dr. Brenda Kowalske wanted to make a need known on social media. When I asked about it, she told me about a 12-year-old boy named Matthew who[...]


When I started BKM, I knew I wanted to be engaged in foreign missions. So our recent trip to Uganda, hosted by Helping Hands Foreign Missions, was the first of many. Traveling with me were Dr. Robby Foster, a longtime friend and senior pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Valdosta,[...]


Dr. Paige Patterson is living in hashtag hell. You know, a barrage of public comments and opinions without full knowledge of the people or events involved. The nature of social media quickly spirals into a modern-day public stoning. People choose a side, then choose words to hurl like digital stones.[...]


Nearly 30 years after our wedding, Stacey and I have learned that marriage is a four-letter word - work! We just returned from Louisiana, where we had the privilege of leading a couple’s conference at First Baptist Church of Houma. I’m greatly encouraged by the growing number of churches committed[...]


Vice President Mike Pence has been publicly mocked for following what is known as the Billy Graham Rule. The basis of the rule is simple - never be alone with a woman who is not your wife. Typically, these criticisms come from people outside Christian circles. However, there’s a growing[...]


Our February newsletter posed the question, “Have we lost our passion for the lost?” I pray that being reminded of their condition has burdened you to pray for people who are without Christ and has made you more intentional in sharing the Gospel. Today I want to ask a related[...]