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A lot of Christians are riled up about the lyrics on the new Taylor Swift album. I’ve read the lyrics, and they’re certainly disturbing. This album isn’t Christian friendly. In fact, it’s anti-Christian. So yes, let’s talk about the Taylor Swift issue, but let’s not stop there.   I always[...]


A recent headline from The Christian Post reads, “A move of God: Thousands of students attending revival events, hundreds baptized.” The story that follows details recent events at Auburn University and the University of Georgia. This is the kind of news I enjoy reading. Yet, I also hesitate to declare[...]


The Virgin Birth of Jesus is often taken for granted in Christian circles. Yet, there have always been doubters. We certainly live in a time when more and more people are skeptical of Christianity; at least certain parts of it. But that’s the thing—you can’t pick and choose which things[...]


Reading about Tuesday’s elections, I can only conclude that most Americans value ending life more than celebrating it. Without a doubt, the abortion issue drove people to the polls this week; and they voted for the right to kill.   Ben Johnson summarized the election results in an article for[...]


A recent headline from Fox News suggests the unraveling of Christianity. It reads, “Marriage collapse, absent fathers ‘unraveling’ Christianity in growing US crisis.” The subtitle says, “Churchgoers in their 30s who never married ranked the loneliest group in new survey.” There’s a lot to unpack in this headline but my first[...]


After every school shooting we face the question of, “Why?” Why did a woman shoot her way into a private Christian school in Nashville and kill six people? Well, some in the media want us to believe that an unfair law made this woman do a bad thing. They’re painting[...]


As a new year dawns, many are energized by the idea of a fresh start or a new bucket list. I’d like to offer a different perspective. Instead of limiting your thoughts to the coming year, what if you viewed your New Year’s resolutions with an eternal perspective? Colossians 3[...]