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Preaching through the Sermon on the Mount has profoundly affected my thinking about ministry. During this series—The Jesus Agenda—God started working in me with the question, “How do we measure healthy ministry?” In other words, how can you tell a healthy church from an unhealthy one? Even though Jesus doesn’t[...]


A recent headline from Fox News suggests the unraveling of Christianity. It reads, “Marriage collapse, absent fathers ‘unraveling’ Christianity in growing US crisis.” The subtitle says, “Churchgoers in their 30s who never married ranked the loneliest group in new survey.” There’s a lot to unpack in this headline but my first[...]


Who should be responsible for creating “meaningful change” in our nation? Americans are twice as likely to say it’s government’s responsibility than to say it’s the responsibility of Christian churches, according to a new Barna survey. The implications of this survey should be of great concern to born-again, Bible-believing, followers[...]


Many Americans who identify as Christians say they don’t believe in a literal Holy Spirit. The Cultural Research Center of Arizona Christian University found that “62% of self-identified Christians contend that the Holy Spirit is not a real, living being but merely a symbol of God’s power, presence, or purity.”[...]


I’m not really shocked anymore at what the world promotes and protects. But the way many who profess Christ act is a real head scratcher. How can people who claim to believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture not show the slightest hint of Scripture’s sufficiency in their actions?[...]


Only 37% of Christian pastors in the United States have a biblical worldview. That means a large majority of pastors are not preaching the Bible as absolute truth. In other words, they’re gutting the gospel. The Christian Post reported this new data from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.[...]


“not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25   In the early days of the pandemic believers talked about the possibility of sweeping revival. In reality, the response has[...]