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The American church is facing a severe lack of capable and called ministry leaders. I get calls almost weekly from churches looking for a pastor or worship leader. But most often, churches call looking for a student pastor. We’ve recently hired a new student pastor at North Hall Church. I[...]


Only 37% of Christian pastors in the United States have a biblical worldview. That means a large majority of pastors are not preaching the Bible as absolute truth. In other words, they’re gutting the gospel. The Christian Post reported this new data from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.[...]


The question is often asked, “Are successful leaders born or built?” The answer you get depends on which book or conference you consult. Successful leadership is most often defined by things such as profit or popularity. But it’s dangerous to evaluate spiritual leadership by worldly standards. Someone can be a[...]


When we talk about spiritual leaders, we tend to think of pastors. However, developing spiritual leadership among members is essential to the effectiveness of a church. There are hundreds of books on leadership. And for the most part, these books are helpful tools for Christian leaders. But remember, the church[...]


Transitions can be tricky to navigate. Unforeseen complications and obstacles inevitably arise. I’ve never seen this more clearly than during my transition from the pastorate to full-time evangelism. What I learned taught me how to pray for people contemplating a move in vocational ministry. There’s no better manual for leadership[...]