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Bucky Kennedy Newsletter

Since the pandemic there’s been renewed interest in the end times events. Consequently, many are on the lookout for the next great prophetic event. There’s much speculation about things like the identity of the antichrist or whether the tribulation has already begun.   However, I believe that the next great[...]


The American church is facing a severe lack of capable and called ministry leaders. I get calls almost weekly from churches looking for a pastor or worship leader. But most often, churches call looking for a student pastor. We’ve recently hired a new student pastor at North Hall Church. I[...]


December 15th was officially Stacey’s last day as a teacher. Most of her 35-year career was spent in special education helping struggling students to succeed. For Stacey, this job was a calling as much as it was a career. I’ve seen evidence of this in the care she gave her[...]