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On Tuesday, Democrat Rafael Warnock defeated Republican challenger Herschel Walker in Georgia’s Senate runoff election. Around 200,000 republicans chose to sit the election out. Many of those were evangelical Christians who viewed Walker’s character with skepticism due to a barrage of negative ads. So, what is the role of faith[...]
Who should be responsible for creating “meaningful change” in our nation? Americans are twice as likely to say it’s government’s responsibility than to say it’s the responsibility of Christian churches, according to a new Barna survey. The implications of this survey should be of great concern to born-again, Bible-believing, followers[...]
Throughout history we see the rise and fall of world empires. Some even rose to the point of seeming invincibility. It’s only through hindsight that we clearly see why each of these great civilizations fell. With all that’s happening these days, it’s not hard to imagine the downfall of our[...]
I’m not really shocked anymore at what the world promotes and protects. But the way many who profess Christ act is a real head scratcher. How can people who claim to believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture not show the slightest hint of Scripture’s sufficiency in their actions?[...]
The sexual abuse task force report on the Southern Baptist Convention is sinful, shameful, and sickening. We should care for every victim of sexual abuse. And yes, we should hold accountable those who commit and cover up such abuse. While the report is deeply saddening, it’s not altogether shocking. The[...]
Only 37% of Christian pastors in the United States have a biblical worldview. That means a large majority of pastors are not preaching the Bible as absolute truth. In other words, they’re gutting the gospel. The Christian Post reported this new data from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.[...]
During my first mission trip, I witnessed gratitude in a way I’d never seen before. You see, gratitude is a way of life for the Christians in Bolotnoye, Russia. I think I benefitted more from the believers in this small rural town than they did from me. They are living[...]
Remember the good old days of “flatten the curve?” Fifteen days of lockdown was supposed to get a handle on the virus threatening to overload our healthcare system. But fifteen days is all it took to fundamentally change America; and it’s still changing. The pandemic was the launching pad for[...]
Anxiety is a way of life for many Americans. I understand why the country as a whole isn’t dealing well with the continuing chaos and disorder. But why are Christians anxious? Anxious churches full of anxious Christians are a weak witness for Christ. And that is of no use to[...]