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Some days, reading what’s on social media can be very disheartening. But social media has also become a virtual mission field where we can share the good news of Jesus and encourage other believers. That's why the BKM team works to produce clear and concise Bible-based content that's easy to share. I hope you'll[...]
No doubt, we’re all tired of the phrase, “in these challenging times.” It’s okay to grow weary of the words, as long as we don’t grow weary in the work. Galatians 6:9 reminds us to, “not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do[...]
If you ever wonder how your financial support of BKM makes a difference, then I hope this story from Uganda will encourage you. Dr. Brenda Kowalske wanted to make a need known on social media. When I asked about it, she told me about a 12-year-old boy named Matthew who[...]
When I started BKM, I knew I wanted to be engaged in foreign missions. So our recent trip to Uganda, hosted by Helping Hands Foreign Missions, was the first of many. Traveling with me were Dr. Robby Foster, a longtime friend and senior pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Valdosta,[...]