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Newsletter Articles

It’s been a little over a month since starting my adventure as campus pastor at Truett McConnell University. Thank you for the encouraging texts, calls, and messages. Although I’m still learning to balance my BKM schedule with my new role at Truett, the work I’m doing in both arenas is[...]


When we talk about spiritual leaders, we tend to think of pastors. However, developing spiritual leadership among members is essential to the effectiveness of a church. There are hundreds of books on leadership. And for the most part, these books are helpful tools for Christian leaders. But remember, the church[...]


It’s no secret that church attendance is on the decline. The research is clear. Yet, when Americans are surveyed about religion and spirituality, the overwhelming majority say they are Christians. These two facts don’t compute. Why do so many professing Christians view church as such a low priority? I think[...]